My first memory of Brian was before we knew a local gymkhana, leading a little girl on an equally little grey welsh pony, running like the wind through bending poles or something similar, and me standing with my daughter on her pony, thinking wish I could run like that!! King of the lead rein games. :)
15th November 2020
I just remember Brian of the good days we had over many years with the 3C and Acorn caravan club. Brian was always helpful and brought a smile to many of us. Sorry to see the weather is that rather wet and raining today. It rather reminds me of some of those bank holidays rallies we had with the caravan to! Hope to link on to this modern technology for the funeral service.
My best regards to Maureen and the family on this sad day.
14th November 2020
In memory of a sincere lovely man, who always had a smile for everyone. Much love Heather and family. From just across the road to you.
11th November 2020